Name: Remy
DJ Name: DJ Remy Brecht
Show Name: Dead By Dawn
Broadcast Time: Saturdays, 11pm – 1am EST
Local or Transplant? Transplant from NYC via Detroit (and a bunch of other places)
What do you do at WMPG?
Board member, show DJ
How did you get involved at WMPG?
After moving to Maine, I had been missing having a regular DJ gig– I’d been a resident club DJ in such cities as Bloomington, Indianapolis, Las Vegas, and Detroit. My partner Sam saw a flyer for WMPG radio DJ training, and the rest is history!
How long have you been at WMPG?
June 2020 will be my 8-year anniversary with the station.
What do you do when you aren’t volunteering? (Example: work, hobbies, family)
By day, I am a web designer & developer. Outside of work, I am an active musician in several bands & solo acts, an occasional club DJ, and I am also a filmmaker and producer for the Damnationland Maine film showcase. Until quite recently, I was also the dad to a wonderful 15-year old beagle, Argos (RIP).
Why is WMPG meaningful to you?
WMPG is an increasingly rare animal in a sea of cookie-cutter commercial stations. The variety and diversity of voices and sounds at our station is second to none, and we are fiercely independent and local.
Interview by Annella Linton Date: Jan 2020
Photo supplied by Remy