Name: Izzy
DJ name: Izzy
Show name: It’s Not a Phase
Broadcast time: Fridays 1pm-2:30pm
Local or Transplant?
Transplant! I’m from the Garden State of New Jersey… unfortunately.
What do you do at WMPG?
I DJ a show called “It’s Not a Phase” every other Friday, and I’m also a work study student, so… whatever my bosses tell me.
How did you get involved at WMPG?
Through the work study program.
How long have you been at WMPG?
Over a year now! Since February 2022.
What do you do when you aren’t volunteering?
I listen to a lot of music and I go to as many concerts as I can. I like pretty much anything under that huge umbrella term of ‘rock’.
Why is WMPG meaningful to you?
Music is my favorite thing in the world, always has been. So it’s really cool that I get to do this.