Pass the Jug

On Wed from 05:00 am EST to 06:30 am EST


Up and at ’em whippersnappers!
Start your day (or end it, you night owls) with classic recordings from the 1920’s & 30’s:
Country Blues, String Bands, Traditional and Hayseed Jazz, Rollickin’ Breakdowns, Novelty Instrumentals, Piano Blues, Rags & Stomps, Jug Bands, Hokum Blues & even the occasional International gem of traditional music captured in those dusty grooves!
Set yer alarm clocks & don’t hit Snooze… 90 minutes goes by lickety split at 78 rpm!


Jeff Heller

Holy guacamole! What fabulous music I heard on the radio Wednesday September 7, before the sun had rolled out of bed!

steven thomas

this is just GREAT music…listen now please.
please listen now…there is so much history and wonderfulness here.
please don’t rob yourself of a mind blowing doorway into the past.
and the Old Fart might just know what he’s talking about…

The Old Fart

Why thank you young man! My mind’s doorway is always open except when it gets blown shut, but no need to knock, just “Walk Right In”, like Gus Cannon said…

The Old Fart

Thanks Whippersnapper Pete! A hearty “Welcome Back!” to you as well. (And it’s only taken me 9 months to figure out how to reply… it’s a Christmas Miracle!)


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