SideKick Melodies

On Sat from 01:00 am EST to 02:30 am EST
With: Helen


I’ve been collecting vinyl records since the mid 90’s and have a passion for sharing music with people. Since I managed to move all of them here from Chicago with me in 2018, I’ll be curating playlists from my collection based on themes or moods. I’ll also be sharing bits of conversations with friends about some of their favorites from my vinyl collection along with personalized playlists.


Isaac Shainblum

The 1 to 4 slot has changed to one program titled “Anything Goes” ..

I am Isaac, the new host, and hope some of you were able to tune in to my first aired program overnight! We featured Sina’s ‘Chi Might’ album. Apologize that there is no archived program yet, it’s coming … Thank you listeners!!

Judy Faust

John Mariano’s songs, especially, “I Don’t Know”, is pure inventive, and soul felt music. His music will be available soon on his website. More great songs coming soon. Let him know how you liked these.

Isaac Shainblum

Sorry , …but welcome…to “Anything Goes!” i am Isaac the new host in this timeslot. Hope you enjoyed my first program featuring Sina on drums with her first album project “Chi Might” ! Hopefully will be archived soon!
Thanks and please leave comments if you tuned in earlier this morning!
your host,


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