If you love radio and especially if you love WMPG, we’d like to invite you to participate with us in National Radio Day on Sunday August 20th. Across the country stations will be celebrating radio – your source for great music and talk produced by members of your community. We are looking for testimonials and Facebook posts on why you love radio and what WMPG means to you.
You can call and leave a recorded voice message at (207) 874-3000 that we will broadcast on August 20th, or post a snapshot of you and your radio on WMPG’s Facebook page!. Don’t like Facebook, no problem just send the photo to us and we will post it on our webpage! Send to stationmanager@wmpg.org.
Again Please call us with your message at (207)874-3000 -do it now or anytime up until Aug18th.
National Radio Day is a time for communities across the country to celebrate radio. The goal is to strengthen the radio ecosystem, highlighting all kinds of radio, but especially stations that focus on local service. We want to ensure that our amazing station is included in the national conversation.
Thanks from your friends at WMPG and Happy National Radio Day on Sunday August 20th – listen in for your voices!