Old News

WMPG’s 10th annual Fashion Show was lots of fun at Port City Music Hall! Videos now available of show! Thanks Foo Crew!

Another huge thanks goes out to everyone who came out and supported WMPG at our 10th Annual WMPG Fashion Show Benefit! It featured local fashion designers presenting their works in a fast-paced, high fashion setting with a hometown touch. It all took place at Port City Music Hall in Portland. The show included entertainment by Dark Follies Vaudeville theHoop Vixzens plus live music by The Moodiest. A huge thanks to The Foo Crew who were there and filmed the entire show…

WMPG’s founder Howard Allen attended the WMPG 40th Birthday Party – listen to him give a brief history of how WMPG started!

40 years ago Howard Allen was attending USM, then known as UMPG, and was instrumental in creating WMPG!Thanks Howard! On 4/23/14 we had a live broadcast event and community gathering to celebrate the station’s 40th Birthday. Howard attended and was interviewed by longtime WMPG’er Jessica Lockhart. Click here to listen to the Howard Allen interview The celebration started at 10am with an hour of special programming originating from the station’s studios. Howard dropped in then and was one of many to stop by. The…

Jessica Lockhart & Howard Allen
Jessica Lockhart & Howard Allen at the 40th birthday!

EdTalk – USM forum discussion about the state of education in Maine.

On Thursday, November 21st, WMPG broadcast USM Edtalks live from USM’s Hannaford Hall. This was a chance for the USM community to speak to a panel of Maine Senate and House Representatives about the rising cost of education, budget cuts and the future of public higher education in Maine. The forum was co-hosted by USM Student Government, The Free Press, WMPG, and the USM Executive Director of Student Life & Dean of Students. The moderator…

Underwriter Profile: Portland Ovations

Portland, ME 04101
(207) 773-3150

All of us at WMPG are pleased to have the continued support of Portland Ovations. As Development Director I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the folks at Portland Ovations, and recently had the honor of a leisurely conversation with Aimee Petrin, Executive and Artistic Director. We talked about the mission of the organization and how that mission drives the work they do. Here’s what the website says about the organization: Portland Ovations is a…

portland ovations

Underwriter Profile: Lee Auto Malls

Westbrook, ME 04092
(207) 856-6685

One of the first things I noticed when I stepped into Lee Auto Malls Board Chairman Adam Lee’s office was the beautiful nature photography displayed on the walls. Turns out it’s his work. But more about that later. First, I was interested in finding out how a business partnership that started with a handful of used cars on consignment, and about $1,000, became a company with 14 new car franchises, 13 used car dealerships, and…

lee auto malls
Adam Lee, Lee Auto Malls Board Chairman

Underwriter Profile: Coffee by Design

The economy in much of the country was seriously lagging during the ’80s, and Portland was not immune. It was during this time that two local residents, Mary Allen Lindemann and her husband Alan Spear, moved to Seattle, Washington. During this self-imposed exile a couple of things became clear to them. First, if the economy of Portland was to improve, it would take a commitment from people like them who believed in the town and…

coffee by design
Mary Allen Linderman & Alan By Tom Flynn Spear, owners of Coffee by Design

Check out the new Gallery Talk Blog!

Lars – WMPG’s host of You’ll Dance To Anything, Sundays 9-11pm also presents us with Gallery Talk, a 2 minute arts module heard weekly on WMPG. He also provides it in a blog format. Gallery Talk can be heard Thursdays 7:00am, 5:00pm & 8:30pm on WMPG! Or check out the blog at gallerytalk-lars.blogspot.com

NAACP’s Rachel Talbot Ross responds to LePage’s “kiss my butt” comment. Click below for audio.

Rachel Talbot Ross is the State Director of the Maine NAACP, and President of the NAACP’s Portland Branch. This morning, Ms. Talbot Ross visited the WMPG studios to participate an audio project being prepared for a MLK Day radio special. She talked with WMPG Volunteer Reporter Lorenzo Raffa about today’s response from Maine Governor Paul LePage to invitations from the Maine NAACP to attend events honoring Dr. Martin Luther King. If you would like to…

NAACP State Director Rachel Talbot Ross

Has your car gone to the dogs?

No need to growl…just give us a whistle… we’ll come fetch it! Make no bones about it…donating your car will make WMPG howl with delight! If your car has an engine and is towable… and you have the title, call 1-888-WMPG-AUTO to see if your old wheels may be eligible for a tax deductible donation to WMPG. You make the call… and we take care of the rest! WMPG has teamed up with the friendly…

Dogs in Car

Underwriter Profile: Lee Auto Malls, Adam Lee

Lee Auto Malls One of the first things I noticed when I stepped into Board Chairman Adam Lee’s office was the beautiful nature photography displayed on the walls. Turns out it’s his work. But more about that later. First, I was interested in finding out how a business partnership that started with a handful of used cars on consignment, and about $1,000, became a company with 14 new car franchises, 13 used car dealerships, and the highest volume…

lee auto malls
Adam Lee, Lee Auto Malls Board Chairman