
Aaron Ranta (aka Yung Abner) is a Maine native currently based in Portland.
He’s forever been a lover of music and played any instrument he could get his hands growing up. He played in many bands from Punk ones to Funk and is a enthusiast of all musical genres.
He began making beats and recording them in 2012. Then began DJing shows in 2015.
Since then, he’s released lots of original music as Yung Abner and continued traveling to clubs and festivals to perform. A few favorite shows to mention: The Black Box (Denver, CO), The Middle East (Boston, MA), Output (Brooklyn, NY), and 3 years at Yonderville Fest (WV).

He’s excited to mix on his WMPG show Low-End Insight and to host his fellow Producer/DJ friends he’s met along the way as special guests.